Data Immortality

Some background Having grown up with digital devices, I’ve produced a huge amount of data in the course of my life – and much of it with at least some sentimental value in the form of photos but also various projects, notes, and such that I feel document my growth as a person. What I find myself contemplating is: how can I ensure that this data lasts my lifetime? Perhaps longer?...

November 2, 2023 · 7 min · garethgeorge

Rusty Chess

Rusty Chess is a browser native Chess AI built in Rust, compiled to WASM, and leveraging a Neural Network scoring function. Some Quick Links Rusty Chess Demo demo On GitHub repo Why Chess? For a while now I’ve been looking for a good project and excuse to play with what I view as some of the most interesting emerging technologies and, in revisiting an early interest of mine, I found an excuse to play with three of these:...

November 1, 2023 · 7 min · garethgeorge

Airnow AQI surprises

Some background During the pandemic, with way too much time on my hands, wildfires blazing across the west coast, and official purple air sensors costing pushing $269 I decided that this was certainly something I could buid myself! I had a few ESP32 boards laying around and was able to quickly order a PMS5003 laser sensor that could detect a range of particle sizes from 0.3um to 10um. What surprised me was, with everything wired up and my sensor outputting a deluge of data points informing me about the sizes and distributions of particles getting sucked into my lungs, I had no idea what any of it meant!...

August 1, 2021 · 4 min · garethgeorge